Confey Parish

Welcome To Our Parish Website

        Morning  Services For June 2022

Monday’s, Wednesday’s & Friday’s 10am Mass

Tuesday’s & Thursday’s  10am Prayer & Communion Service

Rosary takes place at 9.30am each morning before Mass

Weekend Mass Times ( Also streamed live online )
Saturday – Vigil Mass – 7pm
Sunday – 10am
With the removal of restrictions Our Church is now fully open for Masses. However with the latest increasing Covid trends:
We therefore respectfully ask all entering the church to continue to
Sanitise Hands and Wear a Face Mask/Covering.
We ask everyone to maintain this high level of care and vigilance. We extend our Sincerest Thanks to all for your patience and support over the past 2 years, during those very difficult times.
Sunday 19th June 2022
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
 Gospel: Luke 9:11-17
24 hr Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
will be celebrated this Friday/Saturday 24th/25th June in
Our Lady’s Nativity Church Old Hill Leixlip
Commencing with 7.30 p.m. Mass on Friday the 24th and concluding with Benediction  at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday 25th.
This is an Annual Celebration and is open to all at a time that suits, whether it be 10mins, an hour or longer.
A detailed schedule of hosts and themes will be posted shortly                     All are Welcome 
The largest Annual gathering in the country to support 
The Right To Life for the unborn
Meeting from 1.30 – 2 p.m. on Saturday 2nd July at the Garden of Remembrance Parnell Sq. East to march to Dáil Eireann
The theme for 2022 is to urge the nation to 
Rethink Abortion
Priest information
Fr. Gregory O’Brien was appointed as P.P. to Confey Parish on 21st February 2021 in addition to his duties in Leixlip Parish
Fr Aloysius Zuribo C.C. (Confey and Leixlip) 01-6243718
Our Parish

Constituted 1984 from Leixlip.


Click here to make a donation


Parish office is open weekdays between 10am and 12pm.


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